Welcome to the "try and defeat Supergirl" game. It's a simple game meant more as a novelty rather than as a challenge of any kind . It's a very, very basic attempt and is not to be taken seriously. I'll start off by pointing out that it only works on Internet Explorer 5. I have not been able to get it to work on Netscape yet. If there is anyone out there who knows how to adjust this for Netscape, kindly email me at the address below.


Click on the link below to get to the game page.
Once you are there, please wait until thepage has loaded completely. This may take about a minute depending on your connection speed. It will not work properly if the page has not been fully loaded before clicking start.
To start things off, click on the "start" link. The supergirl image should begin moving across your screen.
The object of the game is to use your mouse in order to defeat Supergirl. Set your mouse pointer on the Supergirl picture and click. At first, Supergirl will point out that she is undefetable, however, once you have clicked on her image, a "help" notice will appear. If you click on that, Kryptonite will appear. Run your mouse pointer *over* the kryptonite (no need to click) and then go back after Supergirl and begin clicking on her until she has been defeated.

Remember, this is just for fun and not intended to pose a challenge to anyone. Pease..no gambling :-)
Have fun
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Click here to start game