SuperBecca Versus MegaWoman - Part III

by mighty_melinda

SuperGirl vs. MegaWoman

The Calm Between the Storms


Supergirl (also known as SuperBecca) had been soundly defeated by a strange superheroine whose powers far outclassed Becca's own. Never before had SuperBecca faced an opponent with powers so much greater than her own. She fought hard but in the end was no match for the stranger who called herslef MegaWoman. When the dust of battle finally settled, Becca was out cold and MegaWoman carried her away from the scene of the battle.......

Slowly SuperBecca's senses returned. She found herself lying upon a very comfortable bed in a room that could be found in any middle class American home. As she became more aware of her sorroundings, Becca found that unlike most of her previous adventures in which she had found herself trapped, there was no trace of Kryptonite, chloroform or any other substances that would sap her super powers. Nor were there any bonds restraining her upon the bed. Most curious thought Becca!

Becca rose from the bed and found herself not only not helplessly bound and trapped but at full super power. She had been out long enough for her depleted super powers to have regenerated and her physique to have returned to normal. The only thing amiss was that her treasured red, blue and yellow minidress costume had been replaced with generic looking superheroine garb - white tights, a black thong exercise brief and a black sports bra that strained to surround SuperBecca's magnificent chest. Her trademark red boots were also missing but a pair of very high-heeled, knee-high black boots with paltform soles lay on the floor. Becca pulled on the boots finding them a tight but acceptable fit on her powerfully muscled legs. Becca knew that her costume was essentially irrelevant but she wanted her own outfit back as soon as possible!

As Becca stood, she flexed her muscles finding them fully super powered and feeling fantastic. It was almost like the battle had never occured. Though she was sore from the thrashing she had taken in the battle, her reccoperative powers had proven themselves to be supurb and she was fully re-invigorated with super energy. Becca looked down at the boots that clung to her fabulous legs. "If she thinks these heels are going to slow me down or something, she has another thought coming," said Becca aloud just in case her captor was listening, "Nothing slows down Supergirl! I love 'em!"

A quick scan of the room revealed nothing out of the ordinary. "This is really odd," thought Becca, "never been in a nicer trap! Must not let my guard down. That woman was more powerful than anything I have ever faced. No one has ever clobbered me like that without resorting to Kryptonite and I didn't feel any of the effects of the 'green stuff!' She just flat out overpowered me! I didn't think that was possible.....I'm Supergirl!"

To Becca's continuing surprise, the door to the room was unlocked and swung open freely. Becca peered out before cautiously exiting into a long hallway. "Usually," thought Becca, "this is where the guy with Kryptonite or chloroform jumps out! Gotta be careful....."



Although the room in which Becca had awoken looked like it belonged in a normal, suburban American home, the hallway looked more like it belonged on the Starship Enterprise! "Typical sophisticated 'Bad Guy' lair," thought Becca as she progressed down a gleeming and essentially featureless corridor. "Except it's a Bad 'Gal' in this case!"

As Becca moved down the hallway she became more confident and switched from a slow, cautious walk to a powerful Supergirl stride. Although her head still ached from the earlier battle, nothing in SuperBecca's apperance would lead one to believe that she had recently been so badly humuliated. She certainly appeared to be fully super once again. She knew that she had better be. She was sure she would face MagaWoman again and even a fully Super Supergirl might again not be a match for that formidable woman.

Finally Becca reached the end of the hallway which opened into a large room with no windows or doors. Becca assumed her Power Stance as she examined the room. She felt brave, bold, powerful. The Power Stance always gave Becca this heightened sense of self confidence and this time was no exception. Her body surged with superpower as she looked around the room. Nothing. Then suddenly..... A piledriver of force from behind slammed into the base of SuperBecca's neck, crushing her Power Stance and driving Becca to her knees. She had once agan been caught off-guard. Even so, the amount of strength required to drive Becca to her knees was tremendous. It could only be ...... MegaWoman!

Still on the floor, Becca pivoted around to find MegaWoman towering over her, hands clasped above her head, preparing to deliver another devastating blow. Becca let out an audible gasp. She was once again at a disadvantage, facing the most powerful opponent of her life. How could this have happened?

Another Trap?


SuperBecca went to full power as she jumped to her feet. MegaWoman's blow to her neck had taken Becca by surprise and it hurt like hell. Fortunately, Becca could not sense any significant injury. Super energy surged through her muscles which further strained the tight costume in which she had been dressed. For a split second, Becca wobbled upon the high heels of the unfamiliar boots before righting herself and reassuming her Power Stance facing her emeny. Unfortunately the other woman did not seem impressed. Becca had to figure out some way of defeating this woman and, as she was reminded by the splitting pain in her spine, the battle was not off to a good start!

Before SuperBecca could act, MegaWoman lashed out with superspeed punches to Becca's torso. First one blow then the next pummeled SuperBecca knocking her from side to side, directly into the path of the next devastatingly powerful punch. Becca was getting rattled. She had yet to throw a punch of her own. It ws an almost instant replay of the battle earlier in the day and again, Becca was loosing .... BADLY! This might be WORSE than Kryptonite, Becca thought between impacts!

Finally, SuperBecca landed a fist to her foe's mid section. The woman doubled over, though not as fully as Becca had in the same situation. Becca followed though with an upper cut which failed to launch her opponent skyward but at least straightened her up so that Becca could land her most powerful blow squarely on the other woman's jaw.

Becca was finally gaining the advantage as her opponent seemed to have gone intert, allowing Becca to land fist after fist without opposition. Becca was beginning to enjoy this as she blasted her foe over and over using every ounce of super strength at her disposal .... yet something in the back of her mind screamed that something was wrong. The tide could not have turned so easily. Nor could anyone with stand the sheer power that Becca was using without crumbling under her onslaught. She'd been here before...earlier in the day. MegaWoman had absorbed everything Becca dished out and allowed the Maid of Might to expend her energies in a futile flurry. Then she blasted a no longer super Becca who was too weak to resist. The same pattern was unfolding again! Becca had been lured into yet another trap!

MW's Fury!


SuperBecca realized too late that she had once again fallen into MegaWoman's trap. She had used too much superpower and was now a weakened target for MegaWoman....

Suddenly the MegaWoman lashed out with a fury that made Becca's best efforts seem horribly puny. Becca was blasted with punches that would have leveled a lesser woman. She was indeed Supergirl .... and that was about the only thing that was keeping her alive at the moment. Even her super invulnerability couldn't hold up under this attack forever.

Becca fought back but her fists seemed to bounce off the rock hard body of her assailant. Becca's own body had started out hard but was softening as her muscles weakened. It was like being in a meat grinder as Becca's body was punched over and over. No part of her increasingly non-super body was being spared. The woman began using Becca's breasts as targets; pounding SuperBecca's fabulous chest and sending torrants of pain cascading into Becca's overloaded brain. With her thoughts effectively short-circuited, Becca couldn't command her arms to move to protect her battered breasts and even if she could get the commands out, her arms simply had no super strength to call upon to do the job. A trickle of blood sprung from the corner of Becca's mouth as a punch landed squarely on her jaw.. She was totally overwhealmed. This WAS worse than Kryptonite Becca now thought. That thought would be her last as a final blow landed, knocking Becca out cold for the second time today.


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