The Flaxen Files:
File One: Mirrors of the Mind

by sstudent_uk

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue




They sat around the large table in silence awaiting the arrival of the supreme leader; the order had been given to each man to attend this emergency meeting though the reason had not been disclosed.

The large ornate doors opened to reveal the shadow of the Supreme Leader he stood in the doorway briefly scanning each man in turn before taking his place at the head of the board table.The doors closed soundlessly behind him and the room was sealed for the meeting now about to take place for the heads of the most Evil and Powerful crime organisation in the world N.E.M.E.S.I.S

The Supreme Leader sat down and faced the 12 other men on the ruling N.E.M.E.S.I.S Central. These 13 men created the policies and operational decisions of the entire organisation. The Supreme Leader was approximately 50 years old with a grey beard and moustache. One could mistake him very easily for a learned University Professor from his manner and bearing. He spoke with a quiet British accent and to date held the record for the longest serving Supreme Leader. He was a man to be respected and feared when he spoke everyone listened.

"Gentlemen I have called this meeting to discuss a subject of grave concern. Over the past year a number of our operations have been cancelled due to the activities and interdictions of U.N.I.T and in particular the actions of one of their top agents.

2 days ago our intention to instigate Operation Midas was completely negated by this woman."

All heads turned to see the picture on the huge screen...."She is known only as FLAXEN code LAMDER 41. A member of UNIT's Elite section Five. To date she has single handedly neutralised many of our attempts to regain our status as a major world power. Gentlemen the issue to be raised is how to deal with this woman effectively as she poses a clear and present danger to our Ongoing and future operations?"

The council looked around at each other in stunned silence. What was the Supreme Leader asking? Surely, the answer was clear.

"If I may Leader." Spoke Cyrus Buchard of the Columbian branch "The easiest answer would be to have this woman Eliminated."

The Supreme Leader nodded in agreement "Indeed it would be the most straight forward solution Mr Buchard, but as you are very much aware I do not condone such measures unless they are warranted. Unlike my predecessors I do not resort to such extremes when finesse and creativity can be far more effective."

"I believe I have a solution Leader." All heads turned towards Nicolas Harrison of the United Kingdom branch.

"And what would that be Mr Harrison?" Enquired the Leader.

"You have stated that this woman is one of UNIT's top agents, she would therefore know much about their operational procedures, codes and agent networks. With the information, she could provide we could use to our advantage. Instead of eliminating her Leader I propose we capture FLAXEN!"

"And how would you go about doing this?" Enquired the Supreme Leader.

"I have an operative who specialises in abduction and interrogation Leader, his methods are Efficient and Extremely Effective and to date he has NEVER failed in an assignment. You yourself have authorised his work in the past." Intoned Harrison.

A large beaming smile appeared on the Supreme Leaders face..."Of course! You are to be commended Mr Harrison a very original idea. Gentlemen I propose we accept Mr Harrisons plan all those on favour vote now."

All 12 lights lit up around the table even Buchard agreed; though deep inside himself he longed for the old days when a significant threat would have been eliminated without a second thought. However, times changed and The Supreme Leader was obviously in favour of the plan to oppose it would be a very bad move.

The Supreme Leader smiled a consensus of all 12 and now his casting vote to cement the plan. The 13th light lit up "Gentlemen the Operation is a go."



Flaxen entered her hotel room locking the door behind her. She pulled the small bleeping PDA box out from her brief case. A red light flashed on the screen indicating a Top Priority message on an encrypted channel.

"This is Comanche Lady I wish to speak in smoke." Flaxen said into the miniature microphone of the PDA.

The little box whirred "Voice and code word authentication required." came a computerised voice.

"Code Word is 'Emerald City." Flaxen replied " Authorisation Lamder 41."

The PDA whirred once more "Clearance granted, stand by for UNIT ONE!"

Flaxen was taken back, the head of UNIT was wanting to talk with her direct! Things were obviously very serious for him to get so involved. The screen beeped once more then came to life revealing the face of her boss UNIT ONE.

"Flaxen I'm sorry to interrupt your vacation but an emergency has come up We've just received information that indicates that NEMESIS has put out a contract on you. Now I want you to check out of your hotel right away and head to safe house 2 I'll have some agents meet you there." The voice sounded concerned. "I have no way to know just how accurate this information is but I'm not taking any chances."

"Understood Sir l'lI get going now." Replied Flaxen. With that, she began to pack.

She pushed the house-keeping cart outside the room, it was large and bulky making quite a noise as it moved. The maid knocked on her door.

"House keeping!" She declared.

The door to no 37 opened cautiously. "Oh I'm sorry". Flaxen said apologetically "I didn't realise you came round so early."

"Sorry Miss have lots to do today." Replied the maid.

"Then you'd best come in". Flaxen replied. "I'm just leaving."

The maid entered taking in her full size and features. Her photos didn't do her justice at all. Flaxen was obviously in a hurry and went into the bathroom to get something. The maid slipped her hand into a pocket pulling out the zip lock bag containing a Chloroform soaked gauze pad.

"I won't be long, you have kept this room really clean and tidy. I really like customers like you." The maid said unzipping the ziplock bag.

"I sure you do." Came Flaxens reply.

The maid looked into the bathroom; Flaxen was busy grabbing some items from the medicine cabinet.

The maid smiled inwardly. 'You're not done by half honey' she thought, moving up slowly behind Flaxen as if inspecting the bath. The maid sprang on her, clamping the pad over her mouth and nose, catching Flaxen completely off guard.

"Nooommmmpphhh" Flaxen cried thrashing about. 'Man she was strong' the maid thought 'more than she had anticipated.' They fought in the bathroom. Flaxen kicked and thrashed trying her damnedest to break free. The maid somehow managed to pull her out into the bedroom on to the bed. Flaxen managed to get her right elbow into the maids' stomach with some force. She grunted briefly losing her grip. Flaxen bolted groggily for the door. During the struggle she had inhaled quite a lot of the drug making her efforts slow and uncoordinated. Flaxen managed to open the door but the maid was upon her again. The pad cutting off Flaxens attempts to call for help. The maid pulled her back inside forcing the now highly weakened agent onto the bed.

Flaxen tried again to fight her antagonist off but she was now slipping into the black abyss finally her struggles ceased. The maid kept the pad in place for a few more seconds ensuring Flaxen was out cold

Next the maid began to bind Flaxen with handcuffs and a scarf gag before placing her limp form in the house keeping trolley. The trolley was wheeled it to the service elevator and down to the basement where a black van waited. Flaxen's unconscious form was placed in the back. With that the van headed out to the Highway.

Flaxens journey back towards the light was long and slow. She couldn't get her muscles to respond she felt like she was swimming in syrup or something similar. Finally she reached the apex and a blinding light hit her as she opened her eyes, as her senses returned she found she was sitting in a chair her wrists secured tightly to the arm rests with leather straps. Her ankles were secured in a similar manner and held her tightly in the chair. Flaxen tried to rock the chair but it wouldn't move 'Must be bolted down' she reasoned.

As her vision cleared, she saw a tall man standing over her smiling "Velcome back Frau Flaxen I hope you slept well?" He said smiling "Allow me to introduce myself I am Dr Von-Hirch and your host for the duration of your stay with me."

"Wha.... What do you want?" demanded Flaxen still groggy from the effects of the drugs.

"Direct and to the point my dear Flaxen." Replied Von-Hirch "Vell what I want falls into 2 categories really, firstly my masters at NEMESIS Central require Information about UNIT's activities which is why you are here."

Flaxen laughed "And you think that I'm going to tell you? There is no way I'm going to tell you anything."

"Oh you Vill my dear have no fear of that. I know that you UNIT agents are trained in all the latest resistance to interrogation techniques. I don't care about that, your training Vill be of no use to you with me. You Vill tell me everything I want to know soon enough and after which the second category comes into operation. You see in return for giving NEMESIS Central Vhat they Vant I get you as my Subject for some rather special experiments. I have Vaited a very long time to meet you Flaxen of UNIT.



"I have Vaited a very long time to meet you Flaxen of UNIT." His declaration made her shudder. "Yes you are a legend a formidable adversary in every sense. I shall enjoy breaking you."

Flaxen tried desperately to work herself free of the straps that held her to the chair. "It is no use struggling Frau Flaxen there is no escape." The next thing she knew there was a stinging sensation in her shoulder then the whole world began to swirl around her. Von-Hirch nodded with satisfaction, she was strong, her profile had indicated as much.

The sensation of spinning wildly made Flaxen feel violently ill, it took all her concentration to force her to relax and go with the flow greatly lessening the nausea. "Focus." She told herself "Focus upon your breathing, Focus you must focus, he is trying to disorientate you."

"Just relax Frau Flaxen, relax listen to my voice and relax." Von-Hirch began.

"No!" Flaxen shouted Defiantly. "I will resist you! I will tell you nothing."

Von-Hirch appeared before her his face blurred and distorted. "Struggle all you like Frau Flaxen, I have time you cannot fight me indefinitely all I have to do is wear you down and I will take great pride in doing so."

Another sharp stabbing sensation in her shoulder and Flaxen began to feel very weak, her body felt like a lead weight, a helmet of some kind was placed over her head and secured, bright lights began to flash in front or her and then into a kaleidoscope affect bright and dazzling. A voice sounded in her ears soft and gentle. "Look into the lights watch how they dance and whirl, look deep, look very deep." Flaxen tried to fight to maintain her focus, the drugs were sapping her strength, and her perceptions were being distorted.

"Look deep into the swirling lights, feel yourself relax, you are warm, feel your self warm very warm, your body is relaxing, your arms feel like a feather light and airy." The soft voice continued... "Your whole body is relaxing, feel yourself floating, warm and relaxed.... Ooh so relaxed it's a wonderful feeling a wonderful wonderful feeling."

Von-Hirch studied the reading on his console and nodded with satisfaction, she was still resisting, 'Very Impressive' He thought no other subject has ever been so strong in fighting him. Increasing the intensity of the machine, he sat back and waited, she would be his very soon.

Flaxen tried to focus to block out the voice, to stop the lights sapping her senses, but it was impossible, her strength was fading her will was leaving her, the voice so soft, urged her to relax. "You're tired oohh so tired, you want to rest, relax, let yourself go. The lights began to increase in brightness, swirling in a kaleidoscope of colours pulling her into the centre. "You want to sleep, you need to sleep, relax now, you need to relax."

Flaxen began to slip slowly into the centre of the lights, floating now completely weightless, her body now unresponsive her mind foggy unable to focus to concentrate. "Must!...must fight!... no! focus must focus, fight! resist!..mustn't give in. must focus, fight fight it .must1...mustttt" Flaxens eyes began to droop. "Good" Came the voice you're so tired, your eye lids are heavy, heavy lead weights, let them close, close and sleep, sleep sssleep sssleep...sssssssllllleeeeppppp!"

Flaxen fell into the centre of the swirling colours floating like cloud her entire strength of will now sapped from her, she hung in space, relaxed warm and serene.

Von-Hirch removed the helmet from the now unconscious Flaxen, he marvelled at her beauty and incredible strength. It had taken over ten long hours to prepare her for the next phase of the conditioning. No other subject had ever held out for such a period, the longest to date had been almost four hours. It was now on to the next phase, Flaxens limp form was placed upon a medical couch and strapped down. Headphones were attached, then an assistant gave her another injection. Before he could proceed the video monitor beeped. Switching it on Von-Hirch saw it was the Supreme Leader.

"Forgive me for disturbing you Doctor but I require a status report on your progress." The Leader stated.

"I am pleased to inform you that phase one has been completed, I can now move to phase two, information extraction." Von-Hirch replied.

"I see! Why has it taken so long to reach phase two? Your report stated that you could extract any information we might require within forty eight hours." The Leader enquired clearly irritated.

"My slow progress is down to the fact that Frau Flaxen is not your average agent Leader. She proved surprisingly resistant to my techniques, more so than I had given her credit for. That is now however quite irrelevant. I shall begin Phase two immediately, you will have the information I promised within the time frame specified."

The Leader gave a small nod, I am satisfied with your explanation Doctor, and she is as you say an exceptional woman. Proceed and keep me apprised of your progress."

"I shall Leader." Replied Von-Hirch. The screen switched off. Von-Hirch turned to the sleeping form of Flaxen and smiled. "Now for Phase two Frau Flaxen."



"Now listen very carefully Frau Flaxen listen very, very carefully. You are feeling so very relaxed, so very warm.You've never felt so warm and content have you?"

Flaxen giggled like a schoolgirl. "No this is sooo Good!" She giggled again and smiled sheepishly

"That's fine Frau Flaxen, now tell me about Units security procedures, what codes are presently in place?"

"I , I can't tell you things like that!" Giggled Flaxen.They're, they're secret." She giggled again.

Von-Hirch sat back feeling very happy with himself, she was responding well to the truth serum and conditioning. "That's ok Frau Flaxen, we're friends aren't we?"

"Uh Huh!" Replied Flaxen.

"And friends don't keep secrets from each other do they?"

"No they don't.but I could get you into trouble if I told you, lot's and lots of trouble." Flaxen giggled again and smiled now she felt fantastic, so relaxed and warm.

"You're a good friend Frau Flaxen, but have no fear it's ok to tell me, no one will get into trouble."

"You sure?" Flaxen inquired "Cos I'd really hate to see Unit One chew your ass, he's one meanie when he gets going."

"I am sure it's ok, now tell me about security procedures."

"Ok.But if Unit one finds out..You're beee sorreee." She giggled again and then began.

On the screen the Supreme Leader along with the Nemesis council watched in stunned silence as the interrogation progressed. After about two hours of questioning, Flaxen had divulged information that was priceless. Finally, they would have the upper hand on their adversaries at Unit.

"Dr Von-Hirch your work today has been beyond exemplary, you have provided Nemesis with information that is beyond price and you have our sincere gratitude."

"Thank you Leader." Von-Hirch replied "I am pleased to have been of service."

"I take it you have extracted all the information we need?"

"I have Leader, it has been a major effort to do so Frau Flaxen has proved t o be a major challenge and study, I shall have the tapes sent to you by special courier."

The Leader nodded his assent, "Thank you Doctor, we shall talk again later to discuss what to do with Miss Flaxen, in the mean time ensure she is kept safe and secure."

"As you wish Leader." Replied Von-Hirch. "As You Wish!"



"No it's too dangerous, if the council find out we'll be dead for sure." Stated Harrison.

"PAH! You pathetic little Vorm! Do you think for one moment, that I am bothered by those fools? I gave them what they wanted now I'll do what I want and she Vill be my Veapon of revenge."

"You can't the Leader has declared that such measures are only to used as a last resort."

"I will have my revenge Mr Harrison do you here me? I will have my revenge the Council or Leader not withstanding. Besides, they agreed to my testing some theories upon her as part payment for my services. I shall consider this to be a legitimate experiment"

Flaxen lay semiconscious on an old bed, the room spun around her she had no idea where she was or how much time had elapsed since her capture. A voice kept sounding in her head and try as she might, she could not shut it out. The door to her cell opened, Von-Hirch entered with one of his assistants.

"How are you feeling Frau Flaxen?" He asked.

Flaxen just stared at him "What have you done to me?" She demanded.

"Done to you Frau Flaxen? Von-Hirch mocked "I haff done nothing to you, nothing at all. YET!." He smiled an evil superior smile that sent a chill down Flaxens back.

He moved towards her holding a white pad in his hand, Flaxen readied herself as he got close then kicked out with all the strength she could muster. Von-Hirch flew back against the wall impacting with a sickening thud. The assistant tried to grab at Flaxen, but another well placed kick sent him on top of the inert Von-Hirch. Without a second thought Flaxen forced herself up and headed for the door of her cell. Checking all was clear she began to run as fast as she could towards what look liked an exit. The walls around her seemed to fold and buckle, te whole world seemed to be warping, strange colours span around her, voices sounded in her head, distant and unintellagable. An alarm began to sound, she had to run, get away, find help quickly. Finally Flaxen found a large metal door with a major effort she managed to open it and head out into the open countryside.

Unit One sat in his office reading the latest report on Flaxens disappearance what it contained did not sit well with him. All evidence pointed to his top agent having been abducted from her hotel room. Forensics found signs of chloroform in the carpet and bedding. The room itself showed signs of an intense struggle, she had not gone without a fight. But what had happened to her? What were N.E.M.E.S.I.S. up to? His thoughts were interrupted by his desk intercom.

"What is it?" He snarled.

"Sir it's Flaxen! She's here!"

"What are you talking about?" Replied Unit One.

"Sir Flaxen is here in the building, it seems she escaped, you'd best get down here."

Unit One didn't have to be told twice.

Flaxen sat in the briefing room, sipping a large black coffee, Unit One could see she had been through hell, her sexy blue costume was ripped her hair all matted and the look in her eyes? Seemed almost distant.

"Flaxen! I'm so glad to see you safe." Unit One exclaimed.

Flaxen just nodded and placed her cup on the desk.

"I need a full report about what happened do you feel up to it now?" Unit One inquired.

Flaxen just nodded and reached inside one of her boots, producing a small black automatic. She pulled back the slide releasing it to chamber a round then in a two handed grip brought it to bare on Unit One's chest.

"Kill Unit One! Kill Unit One!" Flaxen shouted and then fired.



He stood looking at the six neatly grouped bullet impacts in the glass, silently thanking UNIT'S technicians for the weapons detection equipment set up in the briefing room. The moment Flaxen had drawn her weapon a thick sheet of bulletproof glass had slid in a fraction of a second in front of Unit One. Flaxens rounds had impacted harmlessly against the glass; and now she sat quietly staring into space completely oblivious to her surroundings.

"What is wrong with her doctor?" Unit One demanded "She's like a zombie!"

Dr Ulysses, UNIT'S chief medical officer examined Flaxen "I would say she has been subjected to some form of mind conditioning and very sophisticated too I might add."

"Are you saying she's been brainwashed?"

"A crude term sir but yes she has been as you say brainwashed, and programmed to kill you."

Unit One looked stunned in all his years in the intelligence branch he had never seen anything like it. "Who could have done this?" He exclaimed.

Ulysses thought for a moment "There are only three men in the world who would have the skills and knowledge to do this, one died last month the second is a man known as Dr Von-Hirch."

"And the third?" Unit One asked.

"The third?" Ulysses murmured. "The third man, the third man is me! I must confess sir Von-Hirch has really done a remarkable job on Flaxen. I've never seen anything like this before, certainly not to this extreme."

"I don't want a mutual admiration party doctor! I want Flaxen brought out of her condition, can you do it?"

"I don't know sir, I have no idea what techniques he used or what programming he implanted aside from killing you of course."

"Get on it Doctor I want my best agent back and I don't want any lame excuses if you're as good as you claim, de-programme her or what ever the devil you call it! Now get on with it!"

"Sir as I said I."

"I want results Doctor not explanations. Do I make myself clear?"

Ulysses nodded "You do sir."

"Good keep me informed." With that, Unit One left.

Ulysess looked at his beautiful patient, "Ok Flaxen lets get going shall we?"

Flaxen just continued to stare into space.

Von-Hirch waited it had been too long, some word should have, come through by now! A guard entered next to him stood Flaxen, looking a little worse for wear but none the less well.

"We found her outside Doctor, she was completely docile." The guard stated.

"You have done well, thank you." Said Von-Hirch. Now return to your station." The guard looked a little surprised but quickly left.

"Frau Flaxen. Tell me what happened I command you!" Flaxen seemed to become alert; she turned to Von-Hirch and smiled.

"It was just too easy." She began "I walked into UNIT HQ told them I'd been kidnapped and had escaped and they bought."

"They suspected nothing?" Von-Hirch inquired. "Oh sure they were a little suspicious but I fooled em, even Unit One was concerned, came to see me personally and that's when I did it!" Flaxen grinned made a pistol with her fingers and whispered "Bang!"

Von-Hirch smiled, "You have done well Frau Flaxen very well indeed."

"Why thanks Doc it's been a blast!" Flaxen grinned.

Von-Hirch was taken aback "What did you say?"

Flaxen suddenly grabbed him "I said it's been a blast but now it's over!"

There was suddenly a commotion outside shots rang out voices shouted and the door flung open and UNIT agent carrying automatic weapons surged into the lab.

Von-Hirch could only watch as his staff was taken into custody.

He stared at Flaxen "How did you break the conditioning? I don't understand it was foolproof."

"Not foolproof enough Doctor!" Flaxen replied "After I carried out your instructions to shoot unit one I went into a complete shut down. Unit Doctors were able to de-programme me while I was in a what they called a very suggestible state."

Von-Hirch laughed "Off course I did not allow for that, I shall not be so remiss in future."

"There won't be any future for you doc, not where you are going." Flaxen retorted.

"Don't be so sure of that Frau Flaxen, we shall meet again I assure you of that." Von-Hirch just laughed as Unit agent led him away.

Later at UNIT, HQ Flaxen sat as Dr Ulysses finished his examination. "Well Flaxen I can find nothing physically wrong with you. But the trauma you had with Von-Hirch concerns me greatly."

"But You've cleared all the garbage from my head right?" Flaxen asked.

"For the most part yes but I don't know how you'll be if you ever face a situation like that again." Ulysses replied. "I think you should take some time off allow your mind to recuperate.

"If I recall doc it was while on vacation that all this began." Flaxen stated. "But I guess a few weeks in some quiet retreat wouldn't hurt."



The leader sat in front of the ruling council. "I have just received word that Dr Von-Hirch has been captured by UNIT. I am sure you'll agree that his attempt to use Flaxen as an assassin was a clear breach of the orders that he was given. I wish to inform you that I have taken the unprecedented step of making sure that UNIT are aware that Von-Hirch was acting on his own. Not as part of any operation of ours, as such there will be no retaliation from UNIT. As for Doctor Von-Hirch, he is now to be considered disavowed from this organisation."

The council nodded in agreement.

"There is one other matter Leader." Stated Buchard. "Indeed there is." Murmured the Leader. "Mr Harrison you recommended Dr Von-Hirch to this council in good faith. We all acknowledge that. The information he gained for us is invaluable; But you failed to warn us of his plans, the repercussions of which were extremely serious. You are hereby removed from this council."

Harrison stood to protest but realised it was futile, two guards entered and escorted him out his career with N.E.M.E.S.I.S was over. "Von-Hirch sat in his prison cell contemplating his future, he smiled there would be a reckoning, a time when he would avenge himself on UNIT and Flaxen it wasn't over yet!


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